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Maine Public Library Fund and State Income Tax Check-off: Home

Information and promotional material for the Maine Public Library Fund.

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The Maine Public Library Fund provides funding for public libraries that are seeking to increase service capacity, offer innovative programming, or support staff development and leadership training.

The second session of the 125th Maine State Legislature approved adding a “Maine Public Library Fund check-off to state income tax form Schedule CP. The following is a quote from the law Sec. 1. 27 MRSA Subsection 8:

“…The fund is administered by the State Librarian. All money deposited in the fund and the earnings on that money remain in the fund to be used to provide grants to free public libraries for use in providing services identified as priority services by the State Librarian…”

Priority will be given to grants that benefit all or a significant number of Maine public libraries.

MPLF Resources

Here's how your library can help:

  • Include a blurb in your library newsletter: your patrons value the benefits they receive from libraries, and the tax check-off provides them an easy way to support those services.
  • Add information to your website: you can add a page with information about the check-off or add a link to the Maine State Library informational page about the tax check-off. There are some image links at the bottom of this page that can easily be added to your site.
  • Social media updates: as tax season approaches, remind your friends and followers about the check-off options by updating your library and personal Facebook accounts.
  • Send a column in to your local weekly newspaper:  a column or press release from your library is a very effective way to reach a large audience.  If you need help with formatting, messaging, or finding contacts for your local news media, someone here at the Maine State Library would be more than happy to help you. 
  • Go to your Maine Income Tax form - Form 1040ME
  • Locate Schedule CP which is used for voluntary charitable contributions to any of the organizations listed. [Schedule CP is also used to purchase a park pass for entry into Maine State Parks].
  • Look for Maine Public Library Fund in section A.
  • Choose to donate _$5 _$10 _$25 or more.
  • Maine taxpayers using the I-File system will also see the Maine Public Library Fund on the Schedule CP voluntary contributions page.
  • If you have any questions, see Maine Revenue Service (MRS) or consult your tax advisor.

Eligible libraries:

Only Maine public libraries that are Maine Regional Library System (MRLS) members in good standing are eligible to apply for MPLF Grants.​​​​​​

Grant amounts:

Capacity-building grants- Up to $10,000

Innovative programming grants- Up to $2500

Staff development grants- Up to $2000

Focus of grants:
•    Organizational capacity building and compliance with Maine Public Library Standards
•    Innovative programming to meet a community need
•    Staff and governance leadership development

Examples of Eligible Project Topics

Capacity Building Innovative Programming Staff & Leadership Development
Organizational Improvement Connected communities
(access to online resources)
Subsidized group courses
--Strategic planning Knowledgeable communities
(information & digital literacy)
Individual workshop scholarships
--Staffing management Creative communities
(arts & culture)
Conference presentations
--Fiscal management Civically engaged communities
(democratic process engagement)
--Policy development Healthy communities
(health literacy & wellness)
Degree & certification work
--Board development Economically vital communities
(remote worker & entrepreneur support)
Operational Improvement Welcoming communities
(DEI, immigrant services)
--Community asset mapping Caring communities
(environmental stewardship)
--Community needs assessment Resilient communities
(emergency preparedness & response)
--Fundraising & grant writing Joyful communities
(fun & bringing neighbors together)
--User experience improvement Intergenerational programs
(bring all ages together)

--Library process & services evaluation


--Partnership building


--Community engagement


--Diversity, equity, inclusion work


--Program marketing & Library advocacy


Facility Improvement


--Technology infrastructure


--Safe & welcoming spaces


--Sustainable libraries



To request a MPLF Grant:

  1. Monitor MELIBS or MEINFO list for announcement of a new grant cycle.
  2. Login to your library's grant system account at .
  3. Complete a LOI (Letter of Intent) form in the grant system.
  4. A Library Development specialist will review the form with you. If your library is eligible and your project proposal meets the criteria of the grant, you will be sent an invitation to apply for a MPLF Grant. 
  5. If a grant is awarded to your library, you have two years to complete the project. A memorandum of understanding signed by someone in the library's governance body, will be required before payment will be sent.
  6. The project manager will be required to submit two project reports through the grant system, a progress report one year after the award and a final report with photos at the two-year deadline for completion of the project.
  7. The grant recipient is also expected to share the project impact or what was learned with colleagues through a workshop presentation, webinar, newsletter write-up, published article, or conference poster.

Contact with any questions about the grant process.