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2024 Eclipse: Home

Maine-Centered Elcipse resources for the 2024 eclipse.

Eclipse 2024

On April 8, 2024, Maine will experience a total solar eclipse! The sky will darken, animals will settle as if the sun is setting, and most automatic lights will turn on.  This LibGuides is for librarians, educators, and out-of-school time practitioners. 

The tabs below contain videos, links, and helpful tips and tricks to make your Eclipse 2024 programs.

2024 Eclipse Resources

NASA - Eclipses
General information about eclipses from NASA with a great interactive globe to view the 2024 path of totality.

NASA Eclipse science
A little deeper dive into eclipse science focuses on why it is important to study these occurrences and how they help us learn more about our world and the universe. 

NASA 2024 Solar Eclipse
All about the 2024 eclipse, safety, the path of totality, and what to expect on the big day.

Eyes on the Solar System 2024 Eclipse
A fully interactive solar system that focuses on the 2024 eclipse. Soooo Cool just check it out.

A Solar Eclipse Glossary
A glossary of all the terms and definitions needs to talk about the eclipse.

Library of Congress Research Guide, Solar Eclipses: A Reference Guide

Library of Congres Eclipse Book List

NSTA (National Science Teacher Association) Eclipse Educator Guide
A great resource for pre-made curriculum about eclipses.

Solar Eclipse Activities for Libraries (SEAL)
Professional development, graphics, flyers, activities, you name it they got it!

Resources Connecting Eclipses and Other Fields (Particularly the Humanities)
A great list of books, music, and other collections connecting to eclipses.

Community Solar Eclipse Planning A Guide for Communities in the Path of Totality
A white paper with great ideas for involving your community for the eclipse.

Eclipse 101 Google Slide Presentation by MSL
Slides for a quick Eclipse 101 science breakdown.

The Maine 1963 Eclipse Detailed Map
This is SOOOOO cool! Print it out along with the 2024 path and have patrons spot differences. Are there cities and towns that saw both eclipses? How are they similar and different?

Maine's Moment in the Sun's Eclipse
A great article from 1963 re printed in Down East magazine about the 1963 total eclipse in Maine.

The Great American Eclipse 2024 
So much eclipse information.

Interactive Google Map of the April 8th 2024 Eclipse
Choose your location in the upper right, Open the eclipse simulator to see what the eclipse will look like in your area! 

Aroostook County Tourism Eclipse 2024 
The county is in the direct path of totality so they have some great information and events planned.

National Eclipse - Maine 
This link will direct you to a site that lists the towns, times, and duration of totality in Maine.

Gulf of Maine Research Institute Eclipse 2024
Maine's go-to for eclipse information.

National Park Service information about upcoming eclipses 
A lot of the same information is contained in the NASA links but with a Park Service twist!

Best Practices and Q & A for eclipse glasses

Best Practices for Eclipse Glasses

    The goal is by April 8th your library will have ZERO glasses on hand. It’s better to say I’m sorry we are out (and show them other options for viewing the eclipse) than to have 100’s of them left over. While we do have another partial eclipse in October, the next total eclipse for Maine won’t be until 2079 (I think).
  • If you are in the path of totality be sure to instruct your community that glasses MUST be on until the moon completely covers the sun. When they see the first glimmers of sunlight peaking around the move they MUST put the glasses back on or they risk permanent eye injury. (Just like looking at someone who is welding without a welding visor.)
  • Check the safety of your glasses. Take a bright light and place it directly on the lens. Move the light over the entirety of the lenses. If you can’t see any light through the other side then the glasses are good. Remember the sun is 35.73 octillion lumens, Amazon sells a flashlight that has 100,00 lumens for $650, sooooo don’t look at the sun, it hurts your eyes for a reason.


Eclipse Glasses Q & A
Does MSL have glasses?
   Yes. But VERY few for the whole state. If you have many glasses and want to give some to other libraries, please reach out or send them to MSL. I am keeping track, as best I can, where people are asking for glasses and will get them shipped out as fast as possible.

Where can I purchase glasses?
   Many places sell eclipse glasses so that decision is up to you and your budget. Just make sure they are ISO and CE certified.

How can I store or tell others to store their eclipse glasses for the partial eclipse in October?

   Store glasses in an envelope flat and in a safe space. Check the glasses to ensure there are no pinholes or tears (see above) and if safe wear away!

We live in New England and clear sunny spring days are sometimes a rarity. 

So what do you do if, after all of the anticipation and excitement, Mother Nature decides to produce rain and clouds on the big day?

Option 1
Even if you can't visually see the eclipse the sky will still darken, wind patterns will change, animals will settle in like it's night, and the temperature can change as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit. So stuff will still happen even without a great view.

Option 2
Live stream the eclipse from:


Globe Observer
GLOBE Eclipse is a temporary tool in the GLOBE Observer app (details about downloading the app) that will help you document air temperature and clouds during an eclipse. The tool is not visible in the app regularly but is only opened up when a solar eclipse is happening somewhere in the world. FAQ Globe Observer for Libraries

Exploratorium Solar Eclipse Activites 
Hands-on, tested activities for the solar eclipse with a filter and sort function. 

Paper eclipse activity  (Ages 8+)
Materials Required, Construction Paper (black, yellow) OR White paper and coloring supplies, Copper Brad OR flat thumb tack

How to Safely Watch an Eclipse by NPR's SkunkBear (All Ages)
No eclipse glasses, no problem! This video covers eclipse glasses, pinhole cameras (and how to make them!), a piece of paper, and even a colander. 

A great way to help students explain what an eclipse is from Exploration Place (All Ages)

A large-ish model for your library to help understand and differentiate the 4 types of eclipses (Teens or library staff/volunteers)
Put some teens on this and they will have a blast. The 4 types of eclipses are lunar, partial, annular, and total.

GLOBE: Solar Eclipse Journal Student Sheet
A great little worksheet like journal to chart what youth experienced during the eclipse.


Coming Soon!

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