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Management: Trustees and Library Boards

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Core Responsibilities of Library Governing Boards

(advisory boards are sometimes delegated these duties by their municipalities):

  • Determining the mission
  • Establishing the vision and strategic direction
  • Monitoring the library’s work
  • Assuring legal and bylaws compliance
  • Setting policy
  • Overseeing the library’s finances and protecting its assets
  • Fundraising
  • Community relations and advocacy
  • Selecting, supporting and evaluating the director
  • Building the competency of the board

Nonprofit Boards Fiduciary Duties-

Duty of Care: 

vTo use your best judgment when making decisions

vTo educate yourself on the nonprofit’s mission and the challenges it faces
vTo come fully prepared to board meetings, having read the materials in advance
vTo bring your skills and expertise to bear in helping to improve the library


Duty of Loyalty:

vTo put the library’s interests ahead of your own
vTo abide by the library’s conflict of interest policy
vTo represent the library to the public in a positive light
vTo respect decisions made by the board and support implementation


Duty of Obedience:

vTo obey the law governing nonprofits
vTo follow the bylaws
vTo pursue the mission
vTo stay current on changes and trends within the nonprofit sector
vTo make continuous improvement a priority 


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