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Technology: STEM

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The S in STEM stands for SCIENCE which is a BIG umbrella term for all kinds of cool things like Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Paleontology (the study of fossils like dinosaurs!), and even Melittology  (That's the study of bees.)

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All kinds of happy little splashes. Working it up and down, back and forth. Let that brush dance around there and play.

You don't want to kill all your dark areas they are very important. Van Dyke Brown is a very nice brown, it's almost like a chocolate brown. In your imagination you can go anywhere you want.

We don't want to set these clouds on fire. We have no limits to our world. We're only limited by our imagination. You got your heavy coat out yet? It's getting colder. You gotta think like a tree. Now we can begin working on lots of happy little things. Son of a gun.

Get tough with it, get strong. This is the way you take out your flustrations. Making all those little fluffies that live in the clouds. We'll throw some old gray clouds in here just sneaking around and having fun. You can do anything your heart can imagine.

Just think about these things in your mind - then bring them into your world. I sincerely wish for you every possible joy life could bring. Just take out whatever you don't want. It'll change your entire perspective. I'll go over the colors one more time that we use: Titanium white, Thalo green, Prussian blue, Van Dyke brown, Alizarin crimson, Sap green, Cad yellow, and Permanent red. Just think about these things in your mind and drop em' on canvas. It's important to me that you're happy.

You have to make these big decisions. There are no mistakes. You can fix anything that happens. We don't have anything but happy trees here. I'm gonna start with a little Alizarin crimson and a touch of Prussian blue Let's go up in here, and start having some fun

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