Add an image to this box if desired. Images added in this column should have a width 300 pixels.
To add an image, edit the Rich Text / HTML of this box and use the Image button. Click on "Browse Server" to search for the image you wish to add (if has been uploaded), or Upload New Image to add an image.
Provide the body of content here. Rules for adding content:
1) The page's content should never exceed 1.5 total screen lengths. If large amounts of content cause the page to exceed the screen length, please consider using tabbed boxes or accordion text.
2) When adding links, do not add them as rich text but instead use the Add Link option from the drop-down menu. Using Add Link identifies the link as a link to LibGuides, and can be used to track broken links across the LibGuides.
Content may be further included using tabbed boxes. If your LibGuide has a lot of content, consider how some of the content might be grouped into sub-topics within your guide. Tabs enable a user to identify that content quickly without scrolling through a lot of unnecessary information.