Hello! Welcome to youth services in Maine. I am the Youth Services consultant for the Maine State Library. I am here to help you with any questions or concerns that come up. Please feel free to reach out to me any time. I also manage some youth-related groups and activities across the state. Here are some things that I think are useful to know about youth services in Maine.
First, we have a couple of listserv options. You can see all of those here: https://www.maine.gov/msl/libs/listservs.htm. The most important ones for you will be youth services (literally anything relating to youth in public and school settings) and Melibs (general library info and conversation.)
I have a monthly newsletter that I send out to share info, training opportunities, announcements, etc. Sign up here to receive it direct to your inbox: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScOoXbFfRY2LZRUcykhNdep7a4S232sCr4QAjf2w6g56eL4rw/viewform
There is an annual youth services conference in April called Reading Roundup.
There is a quarterly Zoom chat for youth services folks on the first Friday of the month. You can sign up to get the Zoom link on our CE calendar.
The Maine Library Association has a Youth Services Section.
Maine has 4 book awards programs: